Jun 13, 2011

Quarter Century Mark

On Saturday, we celebrated my beautiful sisters 25th birthday with a bang. The night was fun, DJ Halo got on the 1’s and 2’s even though I wasn’t prepared. It’s all good though. My Dad tried to get it poppin’ but he was getting a lot of ish from some women at the party (names not to be released) about his Old School music selection. It’s always great when family gets together and there is food and booze involved. The dancing queen once again put on a show for all of us. He came out to MJ- Beat It and rocked the house. The cell phone cameras were in full effect shining off his disco shirt. Absolutely hilarious! My younger sister Dani put the icing on the cake due to her inability to hold her liquor (….rookie). Like always the Beer Pong came out and once again Team Puffy Taco reigned supreme. Anyone wanna challenge me and Ralph go ahead. Were like D-Wade and King James (oh wait I guess that’s a bad example) ha. Happy Birthday Mandy!


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