May 19, 2011

TGB Graduates

Right now i'm at the Veteran's Memorial Colliseum watching Mary's little cousin Jordan graduate. Im am very proud of him and wish him the best for his future. He is graduating from our Alma Mater- TGB baby! Congratulations to Jordan and his girlfriend Karla (graduating as a Junior I might add). Congratulations!!!

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May 18, 2011

Teeth Pulled

So, I ain't been on here in about a week or so. A little update on my life, had a tooth pulled that was bothering me. Also decided to take out all 4 wisdom teeth as well. The dentist was a d@#k. I remember talking to him, then waking up in absolute pain being wheeled out to my Dad outside. Its all good though. For those who may be wondering, no I do not look like Kanye West. Lol. I got pictures but they are kind of nasty looking. Don't know if I will be putting them up. Who know's though? Thanks to Percocet, i'm back to doing what it is I do. And that is ...........

May 11, 2011

Blowdians Stand Up!

So tonight me and Ralph went to Tempe to check out some Blowdians. Although it seemed like the show took forever to start, once the performers got the mic the mood in the club definately changed. I was impressed with a local group known by the Avenue of the Arts. Definately will be checking them out soon. I will post a link to there site later. The Insects were also pretty dope as well. What helped them was a live art setup on stage. Dude was ill. All in all, show was cool. Next month Aceyalone and Dirt Bag Dan rock the mic at Club Red. I will post the info tomorrow.

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May 9, 2011

Nocando & Sahytre- Club Red/ Red Owl, Tempe, AZ

2 of the Fresh Coast vets will be coming to AZ to perform tomorrow at Club Red in Tempe. Show starts at 9pm, tickets $10.... Special guests- The Insects * Avenue Of The Arts Crew.


May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

I would like to send a shout out to all the beautiful, talented, strong, amazing mothers in my life. I hope you all have a great day with the ones who love you most.


May 6, 2011

Paid Dues- Jonny Storm vs. Dizaster

Birthday at McFaddens

Thanks to everyone who showed up on my birthday at McFaddens. We had a blast that night with cheap drinks..... Everyone knows I did, Frank the Tank was in full affect. Too bad it ended with me waking up in the shower, fully clothed and smelling like throw up. Ha. Damn you Patron! Its all good though, had a blast none the less. Skumps!


May 5, 2011

So it begins....

Ok, so I have never started a blog before, and really don't know what I am doing. I'm going to be posting pictures and videos along the way. Also trips with my family, events, etc..... This is intended for my family and friends who wanna check it out. Have any suggestions? Then let me know, and I will be sure to implement them. Let's see where this goes.
